Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Starting out

I just need this space to write out my feelings.
I feel like God is calling me to do something and I just don't know what..... I've been reading a lot of statistics on poverty in the US and around the world and I'm feeling very convicted (I hate that word but it's the only one I can think of) to do something... I just don't know what.
I was reading Jen Hatmaker's books (Seven and Interrupted) and I want to do something like that. When I told Chris I was reading a book called 7 and that we should follow it's advice, he immediately wanted to know if we could celebrate sloth and gluttony. :)
I'm trying to figure out how to make a difference. I'm hoping that while I'm on a journey to eliminate the seven deadly sins from my life that maybe I'll figure something out.
So the seven deadly sins are:
Pride, Gluttony,Envy, Lust, Anger, Greed, and Sloth

My plan is to do more research on how I can best overcome these. I will incorporate this into my Lent sacrifices.

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